Sunday, May 12, 2024

May 16 - New Dems Office Open House

Barron County Dems Open House
Special Guest: Kyle Kilbourn - Candidate for Congress
Thurs 5/16 - 4:00 - 7:00PM
Dems New Office - 3 E Eau Claire St (map)

Join us at our new headquarters! We will have tacos, cookies and snack food, as well as lively conversation and the opportunity to meet like-minded friends. We will have a short membership meeting at 7pm, following the open house.

This election cycle is crucial for our democracy! We are asking everyone to help in any way you can - making phone calls, knocking on doors, writing postcards, marching in the parades, manning the office, putting a sign in your yard, donating money to further the cause, sharing information with your friends - every little bit counts!

7th CD candidate Kyle Kilbourn will be on hand to present his message and answer questions. Let's help him beat Tom Tiffany!