Barron County Democrats July Meeting
Special Guest: Outagamie County Executive Tom Nelson
on Fighting COVID-19 at the local level
Thurs 7/16 @ 7:00PM
RSVP Here to Get an Invite
Special Guest: Outagamie County Executive Tom Nelson
on Fighting COVID-19 at the local level
Thurs 7/16 @ 7:00PM
RSVP Here to Get an Invite
Join us online via Zoom for our July Barron County Democrats meeting. We're excited to announce we'll be joined by Outagamie County (Appleton area) Executive Tom Nelson, who will present on how local governments have stepped up to fight the COVID-19 pandemic despite WI Republicans' efforts to undermine public health at every turn.
Just click here to RSVP and we'll send you a Zoom invite a few minutes before the meeting.
And don't forget your 2020 yard signs! Click here to request your signs, and we'll deliver!