Welcome to the new website of the Barron County Democratic Party. People come to our website looking for information or just to find out what the Barron County Democrats are up to. We are “up to” doing what we can to assure the good life in Barron County, a place where we are reasonable people surrounded by reasonable neighbors of both political parties. Our theme is common sense, not a hard-edged ideology, especially today in these politically polarized times.

But we can be obstinate when it comes to important values. Please take a look at the tabs above where we briefly describe our position on local issues.
While you are here, take a look at the
“elected officials” tab, under "Resources." We had a little fun there. Hover your cursor over the pictures and enjoy!
And please, this is very important, toggle to
our Facebook page and “LIKE” it. Facebook has become a powerful tool for quickly communicating our message, and we are leaning on it more every day.
-Gerry Lisi
2016 Chairperson for the Barron County Democratic Party